Last year De Anza College & Laney College started a new community college certificate program in Quality Control (QC) Inspection for dimensional parts. This is a critical skillset for manufacturers of in the Bay Area and these are the only two community colleges that offer this program in the state of CA.
If you’re interested in careers in QC, or are in QC now and would like to upgrade or refresh your skills, or you’re at a company that would like to train some of your employees, we’d like to get you more information about these college classes. If you’re interested, you can sign up for classes now by going to the college websites .
Details for De Anza and Laney’s programs are below.
Each college has classes available this Fall (Laney a Dimensional Metrology class on Saturdays starting in mid-August, De Anza a variety of classes starting in September, and a Dimensional Metrology class starting in January).