FYI. Info on a jobs fair. Please pass on to students and other teachers that might be interested.


Mark Martin, PhD
Regional Director (DSN), Bay Area
Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development
California Community Colleges

(650) 248-7728

We want to inform you of the third annual Solar Jobs Fair to be held at the PEC on July 15 from 1 to 6 pm.  The event is free to all, and as in previous years, there will be over 15 solar companies present looking to fill hundreds of jobs, locally and around the country.  In addition, throughout the day there will be workshops and panel discussions to help you make the most of this opportunity.  Details below.

The event is sponsored by PG&E, GRID Alternatives, and NorCal Solar, in cooperation with Intersolar North America.  The Intersolar conference will be going on directly across the street all that week.

Registration is not mandatory, but we encourage you to sign up at an eventbrite page sponsored by GRID.

Solar Jobs Fair
July 15, 2015, from 1 to 6 pm.
PG&E Pacific Energy Center, 851 Howard St., San Francisco 94103

Employers will be interviewing all day
Mock interviews and resume coaching will be held all day (make an appointment when you're there)
1:15-1:30: How to take advantage of job fair
2:30-3:00: How to move your way up the solar career ladder
3:30-4:00: Diversity in the solar workplace

We look forward to seeing you at this event!

PG&E Energy Centers