Hi all,
Below are some opportunities with Tesla in the design and development area. My suggestion is you both apply online and reach out to Ashley Cao  at acao@tesla.com 

As always, when you apply for a job, you should include a well-written COVER LETTER to include with your (well-written) resume.


P.S. We have a recent Laney graduate working in this department.

Mark Martin, PhD
Regional Director (DSN), Bay Area
Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development
California Community Colleges

(650) 248-7728

Interested in How Things are Made?

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ashley Cao <acao@tesla.com>
Subject: Re: Recruiting
Date: August 12, 2016 at 3:03:28 PM PDT
To: Mark Martin <mark.martin@design4x.com>

HI Mark!

Thanks for the time today – it was a pleasure chatting with you. Per our conversation, please take a look at the info attached and let me know if you have any questions.

Fabricator: The link isn’t work on this, so I’ve included a PDF.

Students can apply online, or email me at acao@tesla.com 

Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to partnering with you! 
