More of an auto technician job, but maybe those with strong electronics experience might also fit.


Mark Martin, PhD
Regional Director (DSN), Bay Area
Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development
California Community Colleges

(650) 248-7728

Interested in How Things are Made?

From: Tony Sciarra []
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 2:13 PM
To: Richard Greenspan; Linda Early
Subject: Tesla End of Line Technicians Wanted

Richard and Birch,

We're beefing up our End of Line at the factory with Service Technicians and we're making a huge push. I wanted to get this job out to you and the school so we can make a big push with younger talent. We prefer new grads, but will take current students as long as they can continue to finish school. There will be full time and contract opportunities for up 60 Technician roles, possibly 75. Feel free to reach out to me as well as the contact I've left below. I've inserted the link the job along with job description. Anyone who is interested should reach out to Rudith!


Rudith Sampaga


Hope this find you well and the new school year starting off strong!



Tony Sciarra | Program Manager – Vocational and Trade Schools
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