Thank you for talking to me and helping us with this project. Here's a shortened version of what is needed for the Salary Surfer video project:
Deadline: December 5, 2016 to upload information and/or videos to Dropbox links listed below.
Who we are looking for: Articulate, credible and charismatic spokespersons including:
- students who are currently enrolled in the programs
- graduates who have recently completed the programs with a degree or certificate
- instructors who teach the programs
- employers that hire students in related industry sectors
A video giving some more information about the project is at:
What to upload to the Dropbox link:
- Photo of proposed spokesperson (jpeg format) OR - Simple video of spokesperson shot via cell phone camera answering the below questions (this item is preferred but not required)
- Name of spokesperson, daytime phone number, and email address
- College name and program name
- Written or verbal answers to the following questions (Word document)
o What program are you studying (or did you previously study) and what college are/were you enrolled in?
o What is it about this program that interested you?
o What are/were you passionate about in the program?
o What fears do/did you have for your future career?
o What do you like most about the career path you’re on?
o What skills do you possess that you feel will be helpful in your desired/current career?
o How did you learn about the career program you are studying (or studied)?
o Why would you recommend this program to others and what would you say about it?
Dropbox links:
Industrial Systems Technology and Maintenance:
Machining and Machine Tools:
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology:
Sheet Metal and Structural Metal:
Please let me know if you have questions. I really appreciate your help.
Thank you,
Debbie McMahon