Hi all,
Don’t forget the REGIONAL job fair for ELECTRICAL Technicians and ELECTRONIC Technicians happening on Thursday, from 12 - 3 pm.

Yes, it’s in Pleasant Hill (next to Concord), but has companies from throughout the Bay Area (Tesla in Fremont, Olympus in San Jose, and many other companies from Oakland, Fairfield, Richmond, etc.)

Details, map, and parking pass are attached.

Please forward on to others that might be interested. Teachers, please post the attached flyer in your classrooms, and announce in your classes.


Dear community college students and alumni,
If you have training in an electrical or electronics program, we invite you to our Bay Area job fair featuring companies interested in hiring electrical and electronic technicians. The event will happen on November 30, from 12 - 3 pm at the DVC campus in Pleasant Hill and is open to all Bay Area community college students and alumni.

If you're interested, please let us know at:  http://tinyurl.com/electexpo
so we can send you a parking pass (the week before), let you know what companies will be attending, and notify you of any changes, etc.

Date:   Thursday, November 30, 2017
Time:  12:00 - 3:00pm 

Location:  Diablo Valley College (Pleasant Hill campus)
                        321 Golf Club Rd
                        Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Venue:           Diablo Room (Located on 3rd floor of the HSF building)

AB&I Foundry
Abbott Nutrition
Arrow Sign Company
Benchmark Electronics
Blue Apron
C&H Sugar
Casa Sanchez Foods
Complete Coach Works
Heat and Control
HS&S Machine Tool
Jelly Belly Candy Company
Natel Energy, Inc
San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Surplus Service