Hi everyone,
The good news is, the economy is doing well and there's lots of work out there. The one problem with that is that when a top notch program like Chabot College has instructors retire, it’s hard to find replacements for the machining and welding instructors. While Chabot has had people apply, they just haven’t found the right people.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in a full-time, tenure-track position at Chabot, please keep reading.

The minimum qualifications for who should apply:
 - you need at least an associate’s degree, and
 - six years of experience. (Note: The degree does NOT need to be in machining or welding, but the experience does.)

Beyond that, though, the important attributes are:
 - that you’re excited about the field (machining or welding), 
 - you like to learn new things and stay on top of what’s happening in industry, 
 - you like managing a shop, and 
 - you enjoy teaching and working with students.

The new instructors would inherit a nice, modern shop and build upon a strong program to help out students and industry in the region. Deadline to apply is Oct 5.

If you’re interested, please contact Kristin Lima (klima@chabotcollege.edu) or me at mark.martin@design4x.com 

Or, if you know a person that would be interested, please talk to them and pass this along. I want to help Chabot find the right person for these positions, and I will personally write a check to you for $300 if you recommend someone and they get hired. I feel it’s important to the region that we continue to ensure we have excellent instructors at our colleges. After you’ve talked to a potential applicant about this and know that they're interested, send along their contact info and I’ll reach out.

Applications can be found at:

Please feel free to call and ask me or Kristin questions.


Mark Martin, PhD
Regional Director (DSN), Bay Area
Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development
California Community Colleges

(650) 248-7728

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