Hi all,
Check out the Laney Summer Institute's hands-on programs for high school students. Details below.

Please let your students know about it, and forward it on to other teachers, parents, and administrators.

You can sign-up for updates at: https://tinyurl.com/LaneySummer2018   


Mark Martin, PhD
Regional Director (DSN), Bay Area
Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development
California Community Colleges

(650) 248-7728

Interested in How Things are Made?

Laney Summer Institute for High School Students

This summer the Career Education Department at Laney College (Oakland) is offering a number of programs for interested students in the Bay Area.  

The programs range from 3 to 5 weeks long and are focused on learning about different career pathways while earning college credit through hands-on activities. While preference will be given to high school students, others may apply and if space is available, may be admitted. 

Fill out the form below showing your interest. The five high school priority programs listed below will require a final application (when final applications are available we'll send out emails to let you know how to apply). If you're interested in one of the regularly scheduled Laney courses (see below), you can enroll now.

You can also check for updates at http://www.Laney.edu/Summer  

Michael Goldberg
(510) 464-3598

-----------------------  HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PRIORITY PROGRAMS -----------------------

 ** 1) iDesign-Skilled Trades (ST) 
Dates: June 18 - July 13 (4 weeks), Mon-Thurs, 9am - 4:30pm
Cost: FREE for high school students
College credit: 1.5 units
Introduction to the Skilled Trades (or iDesign-ST) is a course where students will spend four weeks creating hands-on projects in carpentry, welding, machining, and wood technology. This is a great opportunity for you to try out different skilled trades programs to see if one of them might be a career path for you. Previous students have made rings, cutting boards, toolboxes, welded art projects, etc. The course is open to both high school students and recent grads.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcQ9v4Z-iU8&feature=youtu.be (Note: we will not be doing the Trebuchet project this year but have plenty of other fun projects!)

   ** 2) Smart Home of the Future
Dates: June 25 - July 26 (5 weeks), Mon-Thurs, 9am - 3pm
Cost: FREE (high school students only)
College credit: 3 units
This Is a free summer program for incoming High School juniors & seniors to gain an introduction to green careers, sustainability and energy efficiency principles, while learning math & science skills with hands-on and real-life applications, and getting both high school and college credit! There are great field trips to learn about energy efficiency in buildings and how they work.  

   ** 3) Electric Bicycles Project  
Dates: June 25 - July 26 (5 weeks), Mon-Thurs, 9am - 3pm
Cost: FREE (high school students only): 
College credit: 4 units
Have fun learning how to convert your bicycle to an E-BICYCLE. Join this special training and see how we will bring together different fields such as electrical technology, engineering, chemistry, and physics to convert a pedal bicycle to an electric bike in this fun project. You’ll learn to apply electrical concepts to circuits, measurement of voltage, principles of solar electricity development, energy storage systems, and principles of motors.  

 ** 4) Computer Science UPGRADE program 
Dates: June 18 - July 26 (6 weeks), Mon-Thurs, 7:45am – 1pm with industry trips on Friday.
Cost: FREE (high school students only): 
College credit: 5 units.
The UPGRADE program’s goal is to introduce a diverse set of high school and first year college students to careers in Information Communication Technology (ICT), while providing a structured introduction to college and higher education success techniques. This computer science course (CIS 5) has a hands-on curriculum centered around the Raspberry Pi Micro-computer and Windows Lab computers. Topics includes but are not limited to the Raspberry Pi 2, computer hardware, computer peripherals, command line navigation, file system fundamentals, file manipulation, Web design / programming, Python programming, and computer science fundamentals. Free breakfast and lunch are provided. This program also includes an Orientation to College Success counseling class, trips to technology companies, guest speakers, and financial literacy curriculum. 

 ** 5) iCreate Digital Media 
Dates: June 18 - July 13 (4 weeks), Mon-Thurs, 1 pm –5:30 pm
Cost: FREE (high school students only): 
College credit: 2 units

-----------------------  Regularly scheduled Laney COURSES  -----------------------

The courses below are regularly scheduled Laney summer courses open to all. We've selected these as great courses for young adults to learn more  about these careers. All of these courses meet during the standard Laney summer term (June 18 - July 26 on various days).  These will not require a special application. But you will need to apply for a Laney student ID first, then you can enroll in the course. Go to: http://web.peralta.edu/admissions/question/ 

Enrollment opens April 15.

ARCH 104A Beg. CAD 3
ART 20 Beg. Drawing and Comp. 3
ART 50 Beg. Painting 3
ART 80 Beg. Ceramics 3
ART 100 Beg. Printmaking 3
BIO 75 Fundamentals of Biotechnology 2
COSM 245 Intro to Cosmetology 2
CUL 203 Intro to Baking 4
CUL  234 Intro to Cooking Techniques 4
DANCE  64 Jazz Dance 1 1
DANCE  68 Modern Dance 1 1
DANCE  76 West African  Dance 1 1
GRART 231 Intro to Graphic Design 3
PHOTO 10 Basic Photography 2
PHOTO 70 Intro to Digital Photography 2