EBAMP is the East Bay Advanced Manufacturing Partnership. We’re dedicated to helping manufacturers in the Bay Area, working the community colleges and workforce development boards.

They’re having a meeting coming up on May 25th in Oakland.



May 25 11:00-1:30 p.m. –  EBAMP Partnership Meeting.
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Dear Mark,

If you haven't already registered, please sign up to join us at the next meeting of the East Bay Advanced Manufacturing Partnership. Space is limited!
May 25th, 11:00 to 1:30 p.m.
Bistro at Laney College, Oakland.
  • Network over lunch.
  • Hear from manufacturers participating in the Dream it Do it Ambassadorprogram.
  • Discuss next steps for the Partnership.
  • Help turn vision into action.
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East Bay Advanced Manufacturing Partnership
300 Ellinwood Way
Pleasant Hill, CA  94523

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