FYI. In case you know anyone that is interested in teaching industrial technology, please forward this on. It’s difficult to find teachers nowadays and they can shut down programs if they don’t find someone.

Good to see that some schools are still emphasizing hands-on activities. And maybe you can even let the Asst. Principal know how much you appreciate their support of these types of classes. Maybe give him a story about your career and how having these classes at an early age can help kids out (copy me if you do this).


Mark Martin, PhD
Regional Director (DSN), Bay Area
Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development
California Community Colleges

(650) 248-7728

Interested in How Things are Made?

 My name is Adam Nelson, and I am one of the assistant principals at JLS Middle School in Palo Alto, CA.  Brad Booth gave me your contact information, and I was hoping you could post our position on your website.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you
We have a 1.0 FTE Industrial Tech middle school position for the 2017-2018 school year.  The current classes are:
·         Industrial Technology 6th Grade Exploratory Wheel
·         2 periods- 5-week rotation (This is the sales platform for future signups)
o   Architecture
o   Manufacturing
o   Electric Vehicles
·         Industrial Technology 1A  
o   CAD
o   Wood Machine Tools
o   Structures
o   Engineering Challenges
·         Industrial Technology 1B
o   More Advanced CAD tools
o   Shaker Clock Manufacturing
o   Co2 Race Car Engineering
Electric Moose Team (Electric Vehicle Engineering)
            For the past 20 years we have had an Electric Vehicle Engineering Program that is a parallel program that acts as a department club.  Usually the group consists of 24 eighth grade students, half girls and half guys who design and produce 4 to 5 cars.  The group is selected from students who are in or will be in Industrial Tech. 1B so that they have CAD and machine tool experience.    The students meet at lunch once a week for Club and then remain in the Advisory Period to get additional time to work.  Many show up in the morning before school to work on their vehicles. The Electric Vehicles have been a great visual that represents the students learning. They have also promoted community support, helped with department signups, and helped us secure grant money.   Presently both of the other two Middle Schools also have Electric Vehicle Teams.
The Lab/Workshop/Classroom-
  The Lab has Common Class Space, 30 Networked Computer Work Stations, Wood, and Metal Working Equipment.  The Metal Working Room has a Mill, a Lathe, Gas Welding equipment, a Mig Welder, a Tig Welding, a Shear, a Brake, Slip Rolls, a Beading Machine and a Rotex Punch.  In addition, we have added two 3-D printers that require Tinker CAD or Solid Works as the design tool. There is so much demand for the program that classes are full, and approximately 100 students a year don’t get in because of lack of space. In our district we teach 5 out of 7 periods.  Each class meets 4 times a week in a rotating schedule.
If interested, please apply on EdJoin at:
District- Palo Alto Unified School District (JLS Middle School)
Contact Person- Lisa Hickey, Principal, Brad Booth- Current Teacher
Adam Nelson
Assistant Principal
J.L. Stanford Middle School
Palo Alto Unified School District
480 East Meadow Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Internal Extension= 6763
Office= 650-856-5180