Hi all,
Just a reminder that the Fusion 360 Train the Trainer webinars are happening on Thursdays at 2 pm. The next one is:
Intro to Fusion 360 CAM workshop
We will explore the tools and workflows with Fusion 360 that enable you to generate toolpaths and G-code for CNC machining operations. You will learn how to set up stock, define cutting tools, create toolpaths and simulate machining operations to ensure accuracy and avoid costly mistakes.
To register, go here: https://autodesk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KpXYCZQbRROwT35eVmsMYA
And if you missed the previous ones, you can find the recordings below.
Week 1 Recording – Intro to CAD:
Week 2 Recording – Assemblies:
Week 3 Recording – Documentation:
Week 4 Recording – Simulation:
Week 5 Recording – Generative Design:
Mark Martin, PhD
Regional Director - Adv Mfg | Employer Engagement
Bay Area Community Colleges
650 248-7728 (c)
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